You want best Telegram for MPSC Preparation ? But, Question is that for which purpose do you want the telegram channel ? for MPSC Preparation is the basic purpose and that make no sense ! Below we have posted best Telegram channel for MPSC Preparation. Some Best Telegram Channels and Groups for MPSC Exam Preparation India . These channels and Groups will also help in Indian civil service preparation of UPSC .
First, Of all I will tell you that for MPSC Preparation you can’t depends on online platforms unless you can consolidate it because reading is not requirement for MPSC but Continues/Multiple reading is requirement for MPSC Preparation and we call it as “Revision” You can Also join these Telegram channel for hollywood movies and Loot Deals Telegram Channel for all Loot Alerts
Telegram channel for MPSC Preparation
आमच्या ब्लॉगवरील अपडेट्स तुमच्या मोबाईलवर मिळवण्यासाठी आताच Mission MPSC Telegram Channel जॉईन करा. Mission MPSC Telegram Channel जॉईन करणे अतिशय सोपे आहे. टेलिग्राम हे व्हाटसअॅप, हाईकसारखेच अॅप आहे. This Channel Administered by MPSC Aspirants for every Common Aspirant friend. – Link to Join
Below we have found some good channels that you can follow but not for MPSC Preparation but to get information about mpsc exam(Rajyaseva)
1) MPSC Mantra
2) Mpsc Club
the above three Telegram channel for MPSC Preparation I am following and 1 group. I do have 2 channels and I only share things I do on website so, these my channels are not important and I am not updating it regularly too.
Now below I will share list of unknown Telegram channel for MPSC Preparation that I haven’t joined it .. and I am copy pasting that list some one has prepared it long before …
1- @empsckatta
2- @ChaluGhadamodi
3- @MPSCEconomics
4- @MPSCPolitics
5- @MPSCmaths
6- @MPSCScience
7- @MPSCHistory
8- @MPSCEnglish
9- @MPSCGeography
10- @gkmpsc1
12- @mpscmaterial
13- @MPSCAlerts
14- @mpscHRD
15- @jobkatta
16- @MPSCcsat
17- @csat2017
18- @jpjob
19- @jpjobservices
20- @SAIMKatta
So, check it.. just copy this and save it to telegram and then open It one by one… you know it these are usernames. Thanks and don’t depend on telegram for study, and lastly I haven’t gone through this post to check again. so, you may find mistakes so, do correct it yourself while reading. thanks.
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